Year-end Message 2024
Dear Members and extended Community,
as we bid farewell to 2024 and embrace new beginnings, we would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for the trust and cooperation you have shown us. To be more specific,…
Imprese responsabili “Un’iniziativa che soffoca le iniziative”
di Luca Albertoni, Direttore Cc-Ti
L’iniziativa in votazione il prossimo 29 novembre ed esposta come “multinazionali responsabili”, si chiama in realtà per “imprese responsabili”. Differenza da non sottovalutare e che deve…
STSA Video on the Responsible Business Initiative
The popular vote on the Responsible Business Initiative will take place on November 29, 2020.
Here below you will find the video by STSA, in cooperation with LCTA and ZCA. The video is now available on public transport around…
STSA Responsible Business Initiative (RBI)
The popular vote on the Responsible Business Initiative will take place on November 29, 2020 and the campaign will start this summer. On that date, the Swiss people will be able to vote for or against the initiative.If…
AXA expands its team in Ticino
Contribution by AXA.
For AXA this year 2020 represents a new challenge. Since June 2019 we have enlarged our team by hiring Simona Busetti who is responsible for broker management in the Italian market. Since the beginning of the…
La LCTA compie 10 anni
Quest'anno la Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA) festeggia il suo 10° anniversario. La LCTA è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro e riunisce operatori che ruotano attorno all’ambito del commercio di materie prime,…
STSA update on the Responsible Business Initiative
The Responsible Business Initiative: Headstart for the KKS Counter-Proposal in the Conciliation Committee
Following back and forth consultations between the two Chambers (Council of States and the National Council), and with…
COVID-19 loan / COVID-19 plus loan: Discrimination for commodity trading companies
On March 25, the Federal Council adopted an emergency ordinance on granting of credits with joint and several federal guarantees. Bridging credit facilities representing a maximum of 10% of their annual turnover and no more than CHF 20…
Update on the annual radio-television fee by Serafe
Fabio Regazzi, Member of the National Council, is working to find a solution for companies as regards the annual radio-television fee. He submitted in 2019 the parliamentary initiative "Excluding SMEs from the media fee". The initiative…
Pandemic planning: Surviving through business as unusual
Contribution by EY.
Spreading contagion – coronavirus effects on the working world
The rapidly evolving threat around the COVID-19 virus has raised concerns among the business and investor community across the world. The global…
Commodity Trading: the Internet of Things, new opportunities and new risks.
Contribution by
Paolo LezziCEO and Founder, InTheCyber
Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the level of connectivity that was hard to be expected.
Coronavirus outbreak and the impact on global economy: USD26bn weekly in trade spillovers
Contribution by Euler Hermes.
The hit to China’s GDP y/y growth caused by 2019-nCoV (Coronavirus) could amount to c. 1pp, mostly over Q1 2020. A recovery should thereafter be possible, based on pent-up production and policy support.
EU mandatory: Disclosure rules – dac6
Contribution by KPMG.
On 25 June 2018, the EU Directive 2018/822 (DAC6), which introduced mandatory disclosure rules, entered into force. These rules target all kinds of cross-border arrangements that fall under a hallmark of…
Scholarship offered by the LCTA 2020
The Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA) is pleased to offer a scholarship opportunity for the next CAS Commodity Professional (start: May 7, 2020).
Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the CAS…
Global Commodities Conference 2019
The Global Commodities Conference, organised by Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA), was successfully held in LAC Lugano on November 13 - 14, 2019. More than 300 people attended the two-day conference that brought together numerous…
Diplomas Ceremony CAS Commodity Professional 2019
On November 16 2019 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano was held the diplomas ceremony of the fifth edition of the CAS Commodity Professional, a training organized by the Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA), in collaboration…
Implementation Of The Swiss Tax Reform In Ticino
Contribution by Ernst & Young.
Following the adoption of the Federal Act on Tax Reform and AHV (Old-Age and Survivors Insurance) Financing (TRAF) by popular vote in May 2019, all Swiss cantons are required to align their…