Sustainability in commodity trading – conference & roundtable
On Friday November 24, 2023, at the Hotel Splendide Royal in Lugano, the Lugano Commodity Trading Association and Alma Impact AG held an event to discuss sustainability as a critical issue to the future of the Commodity Trading Sector. More precisely, to discuss the opportunities and the challenges that will arise in the coming years and the foreseeable impact on the demand and the operations, in the light of the “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” law, a tax on imported carbon intensive products (cement, iron, steel, aluminium, fertilisers, electricity and hydrogen) recently introduced by European Union to avoid carbon leakage.
A heartfelt thanks goes to the speakers: Dominique Bruggmann from E&Y, Rumi Jahani from CarbonChain, and Simone Knobloch from Valcambi and to the moderator of the roundtable, the journalist Dimitri Loringett. This conference was also the last module of the ‘Certified Commodity Trading Specialist’ course recognized by the SAQ Swiss Association for Quality.
Press review
Materie prime, ecco la tassa UE per ridurre le emissioni (Corriere del Ticino – November 25, 2023)
CCTS program
Certified Commodity Trading Specialist (CCTS) – LCTA (2023 edition)
2024 dates and program to come soon.