Ticino at Expo Astana 2017

A good occasion of visibility for companies active in the energy efficiency sector
From June 10th to September 10th 2017, Astana (the capital of Kazakhstan) is hosting the international exhibition EXPO 2017, under the slogan “Future Energy”. The choice of the theme shows how much consideration Kazakhstan gives to global important topics, such as environmental approach, renewable energies and energy efficiency.
The main purpose of the event is to question people’s responsibility, to promote a discussion and to develop a knowledge enabling people to plan and control the use of energy on our planet and reducing our impact on the environment. 100 countries and 10 international associations are expected to take part.
The Swiss Confederation is going to participate to the Expo with a Swiss Pavilion (under the supervision of “Presence Switzerland”, the federal organization in charge of the promotion of Switzerland’s image abroad).
Ticino has important relations with Kazakhstan and, for that reason, the Chamber of commerce, industry, handicrafts, and services of Canton Ticino (Cc-Ti) and the Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA) decided to take part to the Expo. The two organizations are coordinating several events at the Swiss Pavilion from September 6th to September 8th2017, in cooperation with the Canton and the City of Lugano. The purpose of the project is to develop the relationship among, from one side, Ticino, Cc-Ti, LCTA and the City of Lugano, and, from the other side, Kazakhstan. Companies coming from Ticino, and active not only in Switzerland, but also internationally, will have the possibility to present their activities during conferences and seminars.
All the companies, active in the renewable energy sectors or related ones (such as energy efficiency, clean technology, and so on), are invited to take part to the Ticino project. The participants will have the benefit of showing off at an international level, and to get in contact with new potential partners (such as clients, agents, etc.) in Central Asia, and above all, in Kazakhstan. Not to mention that they will have the chance of taking advantage of the network built by the Cc-Ti, the LCTA and the City of Lugano in the last years.
For more information: Chiara Crivelli, Head of the International Desk Cc-Ti, crivelli@cc-ti.ch.