Any company related to the commodity trading, shipping, insurance and finance sector can apply to become a member of LCTA.
A member must be a legal entity registered in Switzerland with a business link in Ticino or its surrounding area.
The Executive Board shall decide on the admission of new members by a two-third majority of its existing members. Membership applications must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board in the English language. The Executive Board may reject an applicant without any obligation to justify its decision in any way.
For more information and to make an application
The Association offers the following types of membership:
LCTA Member
Members pay an annual membership fee, currently CHF 3’000.-, which is reviewed yearly by the General Meeting of Members, who have the right to benefit from the services offered by LCTA.
Sponsor member
Sponsor members are enterprises or institutions connected to Ticino or to its surrounding areas; they pay a minimal fee, currently CHF 1’000.-, set by the members at the General Meeting and have the right to join the LCTA’s events and to be mentioned as a sponsor on the association’s website. Sponsor members have no voting rights at General Meetings.
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Members pay the yearly membership fee and an additional fee due to their role in the Executive Board and consequently to their influence within LCTA. This annual fee is reviewed every year by the General Meeting of Members. Executive Board Members as well as ordinary members have the right to benefit from the services offered by LCTA.