Marco Arrighini / Euler Hermes Switzerland
Marco Arrighini,
Head of Southern Region

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?
Euler Hermes is the global leader in trade credit insurance (TCI) and trade-related insurance solutions such as sureties & guarantees, coverage against fraud & cybercrime and international debt collection. We help companies take control of tomorrow thanks to our unique knowledge of companies, industries and countries. In a nutshell we help our clients to choose the right customers and the right markets to avoid bad debt in the first place. Because the future is not always as expected, we predict trade and credit risk today, to protect cash flow tomorrow.
In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?
The trend is positive and TCI is getting more and more important and frequent especially for traders and industries active with customers based abroad. TCI is an essential tool for companies of all sizes. Access to trade financing is very often subject to the presentation to the banks of a trade credit insurance.
How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?
There is a very interesting future ahead. Insurtech and Fintech will change completely the way how trade financing and trade credit insurance work. It will be fascinating.
For your company, what are the benefits of working in Switzerland?
We are based in more than 50 countries all over the World and Switzerland plays an important role across the DACH Region (Germany, Switzerland and Austria). In Switzerland we have office in Zurich, Lugano and Lausanne in order to be closer to all the customers based in the 3 main Swiss-Regions where important international industries are based.
Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity.
LCTA is not only a networking hub but it is also a centre of competence.