COVID-19: latest federal and cantonal measures
In order to tackle the COVID-19 emergency, the Canton of Ticino has activated an information hotline for companies: 0840 117 112 /

16 April 2021
Coronavirus: Next phase of reopening on 19 April

8 February 2021
Coronavirus: special rules for entering Switzerland
These rules apply to all people who are permitted to enter Switzerland. That means they also apply if you are Swiss and returning to Switzerland after being abroad. You will find information on the individual rules and requirements at this link.
27 January 2021
Federal government to cover costs of tests for persons without symptoms and modify quarantine rules
The federal government will now pay for persons without symptoms to be tested so that those who are particularly vulnerable can be better protected and local outbreaks of infection can be contained early on. The quarantine rules have also been modified: with a negative test result a person may now come out of quarantine after seven rather than the full ten days.
13 January 2021
Federal council extends measures
- restaurants, cultural venues, and sports and leisure facilities are to remain closed until the end of February
- requirement to work from home
- shops selling non-essential goods will be closed
- restrictions on private events and gatherings
- protecting people at especially high risk
12 August 2020
Large-scale events to be permitted from October under strict conditions and with a permit
The Federal Council took the decision to re-allow events for more than 1000 people from 1 October. Strict protective measures will apply and the events will have to be authorized by the cantons.
The Federal Council has also decided that masks will have to be worn during flights from 15 August. The wearing of masks on public transport has been compulsory since 6 July. The measure concerns all scheduled and charter flights taking off from or landing in Switzerland, regardless of airline.
26 June 2020
Workers from third countries to be permitted to enter Switzerland again
Workers from third countries to be permitted to enter Switzerland again
- Since 11 May various steps have been taken to relax restrictions on entry to Switzerland.
- 6 July the Federal Council will lift all corona-related restrictions on the admission of workers from third countries.
- Third-country citizens are still not permitted to travel to Switzerland on holiday: entry for a stay of less than 90 days that does not normally require a permit will only be authorized in cases of special necessity.
- Admission to work in the tourism or culture sectors again possible or to take education or training courses while working, e.g. as an au-pair, agricultural trainee or on a youth exchange program.
12 June 2020
Switzerland to lift COVID restrictions regarding all EU/EFTA states
The Federal Council took note of the decision taken by the FDJP to lift the entry restrictions that currently apply between all Schengen States as of 15 June. Controls at Swiss borders with these states will end on this date and full free movement of persons will be restored with all EU/EFTA states and with the United Kingdom.
Full free movement of persons with EU/EFTA states and the UK.
From 15 June, full free movement of persons will once again apply with all EU/EFTA states and the United Kingdom. All EU states with the exception of Bulgaria, Ireland, Croatia, Romania and Cyprus belong to the Schengen area. These six countries will remain on the high-risk list after 15 June, which means that restrictions will continue to apply to third country nationals wishing to enter Switzerland from these countries.
27 May 2020
Federal Council decides on extensive easing of measures as of 6 June
All events for up to 300 people may now go ahead.
Spontaneous gatherings of up to 30 people are now permitted. Large-scale events with more than 1000 people continue to be prohibited until August 31st. All leisure and entertainment businesses and tourist attractions may reopen. Hygiene and social distancing rules must still be observed. The Federal Council has also decided to end the extraordinary situation under the terms of the Epidemics Act with effect from 19 June.
Recommendations on working from home remain in place.
Businesses are free to decide on a return to the workplace. The Federal Council continues to recommend that people continue to work from home, not least to avoid overcrowding on public transport. Staff at especially high risk continue to enjoy protection. Employers are still required to allow people at high risk to work from home. If it is essential for someone to work on site, the employer must take steps to protect that person by adapting working processes or the workplace.
16 April 2020
Federal Council to gradually ease measures against the new coronavirus
The Swiss Federal Council has decided that step by step starting from April 27 (in Canton Ticino from May 4, due to a more delicate situation), May 11 and June 8, companies are allowed to reopen provided they have a protection plan in place. (Art. 6, para 3, Ordinance 2 COVID-19)
The aim of the protection plan is to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Here are some basic principles for preventing transmission:
- Hand hygiene and surface disinfection
- Social and professional distancing
- Encouraging teleworking and virtual meeting, installing physical barriers in the offices
- Protection of vulnerable persons
- Sick people should stay at home
And more concretely for a company:
- All persons in the company shall clean their hands regularly.
- Employees and other persons shall keep a distance of two meters between them.
- Clean regularly surfaces and objects
- Vulnerable persons are given adequate protection
- Sick people are sent home
- Employees and other persons concerned are informed of the regulations and measures taken
- The instructions are implemented at management level in order to effectively implement and adapt the protective measures.
15 April 2020
The Canton of Ticino presented the first step to ease measures against the COVID-19 in force from April 20 to April 26. here
27 March 2020
The Canton of Ticino has updated the measures to fight COVID-19, here the last Order.
25 March 2020
Federal Council adopts emergency ordinance on granting of credits with joint and several federal guarantees
The Federal Council adopted emergency ordinance on granting of credits with joint and several federal guarantees. During its extraordinary meeting on 25 March 2020, the Federal Council addressed the issue of liquidity assistance for SMEs, which should have rapid access to credit facilities to bridge liquidity shortfalls caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. Companies are advised to apply for the credit facilities at their main bank. Facilities will be secured by the Confederation. The corresponding ordinance enters into force on 26 March 2020, from which date credit applications can be submitted.
A quick and straightforward process;
Affected companies can apply to their banks for bridging credit facilities representing a maximum of 10% of their annual turnover and no more than CHF 20 million. Certain minimum criteria must be met. In particular, the company must declare that it is suffering substantial reductions in turnover because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Credits of up to CHF 500,000 will be fully secured by the Confederation, and will be paid out quickly and with the minimum of bureaucracy. Zero interest will be charged. The credit application form will be available on the website “” from Thursday, after the ordinance enters into force.
Bridging credits that exceed CHF 500,000 will be secured by the Confederation to 85% of their value; the lending bank will secure the remaining 15%. Each company can obtain a credit of this type for up to CHF 20 million, which means a more rigorous bank review will be required. The interest rate on these credits is currently 0.5% on the loan secured by the Confederation. Companies with a turnover of more than CHF 500 million are not covered by this programme.
More details and credit application form: here
21 March 2020
The Canton of Ticino has implemented new measures to fight COVID-19
All cantonal measures can be seen on the following website:
With regard to the measure on the closure of economy RG 1570, in particular as to point 7: “All activities that can be carried out remotely at home are permitted. Access to offices is not permitted for the public. Any presence in the office must be limited and is only possible in compliance with the rules of hygiene and social distance”, trading companies are invited to extend smart-working from home as much as possible and, as far as possible, to keep in the office only a minimum number of staff that is essential for the main activity. This staff should respect the rules of hygiene and social distance. Under no circumstances are the offices open to the public.
16 March 2020
Federal Council declares ‘extraordinary situation’ and introduces more stringent measures
The Federal Council has declared an “extraordinary situation” in terms of the Epidemics Act and has introduced new measures. The declaration of “extraordinary situation” allows the Federal Council to order the introduction of uniform measures in all cantons.
As of March 16 at midnight until April 19 all shops, restaurants, bars and entertainment and leisure facilities will remain closed. Not affected by the new measures are food stores and pharmacies. The Federal Council has also decided to introduce checks on the borders to Germany, Austria and France (to Italy this measure was already taken). The Federal Council has also authorised the deployment of up to 8000 members of the armed forces to assist the cantons at hospitals and with logistics and security.
- Press release of the Federal Council (16.04.2021): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (08.02.2021): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (27.01.2021): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (13.01.2021): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (12.08.2020): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (26.06.2020): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (12.06.2020): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (27.05.2020): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (16.04.2020): here
- Cantonal Order 1827 (15.04.2020): here
- Cantonal Order 1649 (27.03.2020): here
- Federal Order 2 COVID-2019 (27.03.2020): here
- Press release of the Federal Council (25.03.2020): here
- All cantonal measures: here
- Press release of the Federal Council (16.03.2020): here
- Cantonal measures to support Ticino economy (16.03.2020): here
- Information on the reduced working hours allowence: here
The secretariat of LCTA is operating, in case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us (
Last update: 10 February 2021