Commodity Traders’ Dinner at the American School

More than 100 participants attended the event “Commodity Traders’ Dinner” organised by LCTA at the American School (TASIS) and sponsored by BancaStato. Special guest of the evening was David Hamod. Mr. Hamod is President and CEO of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC), a position he accepted in 2004. In 1988, he founded Intercom International Consultants, a Washington‐based consulting firm that has served as an advisor to numerous business groups, including more than 30 U.S. companies. As President of Intercom, Mr. Hamod served on the International Policy Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for more than a decade.
Mr. Hamod had a very challenging and interesting speech on the topic “America’s new place in the world: a view from Washington”. This was a great occasion to deepen a very actual geopolitical topic but also a unique opportunity to meet in the area of Lugano commodity traders as well as representatives of banks, insurances, fiduciaries, shipping companies and other services providers.