Blockchain technology in commodity trading: opportunities and challenges
October 25th 2018, 11:30-12:30
Venue: Lugano – Switzerland, Parco Paradiso Hotel, Via Carona 27
11.30 Welcome speech
Marco Passalia, General Secretary, Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA)
11.35 Introduction
Erico Bertoli, FSO Leader Lugano, EY
Anna Miroshnichenko, Senior Manager / Commodity Trading, EY
Jean-Noël Ardouin, Director, Advisory, EY
• What is blockchain and how it can be applied in commodity trading
• Opportunities and challenges
• Real-life use cases in commodity trading
12.30 Networking lunch
REGISTRATION within October 19th, 2018
Please fill the form below
More information:
Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA)
E-mail: info@lcta.ch – Phone: +41 91 911 51 15
Ernst & Young Ltd
Team Logistica
E-mail: reception.lugano@ch.ey.com – Phone: 058 286 24 24